This month’s monthly maker, Miriam Rowe, is a film editor and one of our newest residents at Make Baltic. She says that working in film, she is “particularly drawn to documentary because often truth is stranger than fiction.” When asked what she likes to make, she said that when she’s not making films, she likes to make tea cosies! We sat down and asked Miriam a few questions to find out what she makes and how she makes it.
What do you make?
- I edit films and also knit and embroider tea cosies with teapots for craft markets.
What sparked your passion for making?
- I’ve been crafting since I was small, winning local supermarket art competitions and such like. I started editing after trying to become a journalist then realising that news media only told half the story, documentaries are better.
One of Miriam’s Fuss Pot Tea Cosies, which can be found on her facebook page (link below).
What has been one of your favourite projects you’ve ever worked on and why?
- I used to edit a lot of travel and culture documentaries for Japanese Broadcaster NHK. I loved seeing how much my own country had to offer through the eyes of a foreigner; jam making in the Lake District, bespoke Christmas decorations at Waddesdon Manor and mermaid folklore in Cornwall. It made me really appreciate how lucky I am to call this country home.
Tell us one new and interesting thing you’ve learned recently.
- I recently learned that the skull and crossbones flag on a pirate ship originates from merchant seamen warning other vessels of disease onboard but pirates realised that they could use the flag for a strategic advantage in ambush and avoiding authorities. I’m originally from Portsmouth so I am interested in maritime history. I love learning about Liverpool’s rich naval history.
What would your advice be for anyone who wants to work for themselves?
- Do what you’re good and what you enjoy. See every work experience as a new opportunity to learn and take your time. Don’t cut corners. People are paying for your expertise!
What are you working on next?
- I am editing some promotional videos for Ardbeg Whisky. I also want to create a big teapot for special Saturday mornings that has a cooked breakfast embroidered on it.
Where can people find your products and services?
- Is where you’ll find more information about my editing: www.miriamrowe.co.uk, and for some teapot love :), check out my facebook: www.facebook.com/fusspotstea